Terms of service

Last updated: 2024-09-30

By using Recipeer (both as a registered user and otherwise), you agree with some basic terms.


Recipeer is a website which is presented as-is, with no warranties of any kind.

Community guidelines

Recipeer is a service which has elements of community, and as such, requires a certain basic level of acceptable behaviour. The following will not be tolerated on our platform and will result in deletion of relevant content, suspension or ban:

  • Hate speech: this includes comments about race, religion, gender, disability status, sexual lifestyle, etc.
  • Political speech: no campaigning, slogans, etc.
  • Threats: this includes threats to both users and people not on this website.
  • Off-topic content: generally the content should tie back to food
  • Copyrighted content: some recipes fall under copyright, please consult the source before posting it
  • Explicit content: no pornography, violence, etc
  • Doxxing: aka the act of exposing a person's private information online

Spam, links, etc

In general, there are no links to off-site websites except for a couple places, including on the bio page of a profile.

If that website address is deemed to be harmful, malicious, promoting a scam or advertising anything against our Community Guidelines, we will remove it and further action may be taken, including banning the user.

Content ownership policy

You own what you post. It's yours, for better or worse.

But, by posting it on Recipeer, you give us the right to use it in promotional materials, feature pages and other places.

The exception to this usage stipulation is content which is marked as private. Our paid plan allows for the posting of content only the original user can see. This content is automatically excluded from any use by Recipeer in the above stipulated way.

Changes to this policy

Recipeer is a new platform, and as such, new issues may arise from time to time that will require codifying in this terms of service. To that end, please be aware that this document can (and likely will) change as time goes on.

Questions? Concerns?

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the terms, please don't hesitate to direct queries to legal [at] recipeer.app.